
Eric T. Roscoe is a Contemporary Marketplace Prophet. A man after God’s own heart. Celebrated for his achievements as an Award-winning author, entrepreneur, life coach, content creator, podcaster and Ambassador for the Kingdom. Eric has a passion to set captives free and to see God’s Kingdom’s agenda manifested on Earth in the lives of other people. As a Prophetic Teacher, and Business Leader,  he is anointed to teach and breakdown Scripture clearly so others can receive, believe and apply it for everyday results. Eric has an unusual Grace for Wealth and understanding Stewardship and teaches others how to build their credit and eliminate debt by understanding financial literacy and the importance of minimizing debt. Eric is the host of “Building my Life” Podcast. His ultimate goal and passion is to inspire everyday people to build their lives on God’s terms; Not limited to Spirituality, but Holistically. Eric is the father of three beautiful daughters that means the world to him.  Eric is proof there is purpose for your pain and that there is life after Divorce when you keep God at the Center of it all. His life is a divine display of the possibilities when we choose to be better and not bitter by keeping God first and taking the necessary steps to heal and become a better you. As A Holistic Living Life Coach, Eric has over 13 years of ministry and experience and the wisdom gained throughout his life and looks forward to sharing them with you to help you along your path to BETTER!