Know Your Worth

March 2, 2021 Off By ericroscoe85

Photo By Juewen Wang

Revelation is not for consideration.

It’s for illumination and implementation. The mysteries of the Kingdom are revealed to the Children of God in order for manifestation of heaven to be released in the earth.

The parable in Matthew 13:44 of the man finding a treasure in the field, hiding it again and selling everything he had in joy speaks about the discovery of his personal value and a new found faith. He discovered something valuable that was hidden from the natural eye, and as he begin to seek it out, he believed what was presented and revealed to him.

In the same way there are hidden treasures hidden on the inside of many of you that God is waiting for you to uncover and discover. He waiting on you to sell your previous perspectives and ways of thinking so he can give you his.

God has placed these hidden treasures in earthen vessels (2 Corinthians 4:7) so that many people can benefit from it.

In The same way Jesus was hidden in his time and it was not revealed who he was but to a few.

It’s not for everyone to know who you are, it’s for you.

If Jesus had not known who he was and what heaven announced over him, he wouldn’t have not been able to change the world because doubt and unbelief hinder our faith.

God has created us to be World Changers but until we discover the hidden treasures that make us unique and valuable, we will not sell our past for a greater future. Either we don’t believe it so we hold on to it or we don’t know what heaven has spoken concerning us. Either way, I urge you in the name of Jesus to inquire because you a solution to a problem, a answer to someone’s prayer.

I urge you to Awake! The earth yet groans for you to be revealed.(Romans 8:19)

– Eric Roscoe