Our Attitude Determines Our Altitude

March 9, 2021 Off By ericroscoe85
Photo By Tuesday Temptation

With so much unfortunate and disappointment popping up in our lives, I think it’s important to remember these two things:

  1. How do you know you have faith unless it’s tested?

2. The other is your attitude determines your altitude.

The way we govern ourselves and set our hearts will determine how we speak.

How we speak will determine how long we stay in the wilderness and when we enter the promised land God has for us. It took the Israelites 40 years not because God wanted to punish them but because of the condition of our hearts.

The wilderness is designed to test, humble, and prepare us to take over the promised land not because he needed to break them. The intent is actually to break their will and bring them to a place of trust and dependency.

We can’t enter a new place with an old mindset so just as God had to get Egypt out of the Israelites before they could go, he has to get things from the World out of us before we are prepared to enter in.

The Israelites were free but they still thought like slaves. Slaves to the Systems, customs, and culture of Egypt. That same spirit is plaguing our world today. Will you conform to it or allow God to transform you by the renewal of your mind. You have to come up, and allow God to purify your heart!

Murmur and complaining is an indication there’s work to do. It allows God to know what’s there.

Be Willing to learn and trust God regardless of what happens and being grateful is the attitude that produces promotion and allows God to know you’re ready for promotion.

If This is you, Get ready to enter in! If not align yourself to this truth and ask God to purify your heart! It’s not his desire for you to not enter in or receive his promise.

Embrace your process with the right attitude.

– Eric Roscoe